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July 25, 2024

From Frustration to Fast-Track: How SnapCall Revolutionized Meubles RD's Customer Support

Discover how Meubles RD revolutionized their customer support with SnapCall's video solution. Learn how they boosted efficiency, cut costs, and delighted customers. See why visual is the new verbal in customer service!

In the competitive world of retail, exceptional customer support can be a game-changer. Discover how Meubles RD, a leading Canadian furniture and electronics retailer, revolutionized their support process with SnapCall's innovative visual communication solution.

The Challenge: Bridging the Visual Gap in Customer Support

Meubles RD faced a common yet critical challenge in their customer support operations. Their existing Salesforce platform, while robust, lacked the capability to handle visual customer inquiries efficiently.

"Our clients couldn't easily send us pictures or videos," explains Alexandre Charland, Director of Customer Service at Meubles RD. "This created a significant bottleneck in our support process, affecting both our team's efficiency and customer satisfaction."

Enter SnapCall: Seamless Visual Integration

SnapCall offered Meubles RD a solution that seamlessly integrated with their existing Salesforce infrastructure, enabling a smooth transition to visual support.

Effortless Implementation

"The integration process was remarkably straightforward," Charland notes. "SnapCall handled the majority of the technical aspects, allowing our team to focus on adoption and utilization."

Transforming Support Workflows

With SnapCall's solution in place, Meubles RD's support team experienced a paradigm shift in how they handled customer inquiries.

Streamlined Communication

Support agents can now send SnapCall links directly through their familiar Salesforce interface, enabling customers to easily share visual information about their issues.

"The process is now much more streamlined for both our clients and our agents," Charland says. "This has significantly reduced resolution times and improved first-contact resolution rates."

Measurable Impact on Customer Support KPIs

The implementation of SnapCall's visual support solution yielded impressive results for Meubles RD:

"This 5% represents cases we previously couldn't resolve in a single interaction," Charland explains. "It's a direct improvement in our support efficiency."

Reducing On-Site Technical Visits

One of the most significant impacts of SnapCall's solution was on Meubles RD's technical support operations.

"Previously, issues like a noisy appliance would automatically trigger a $90 technician visit," Charland reveals. "Now, with the ability to see and hear the problem remotely, we can often diagnose and resolve issues without an on-site visit, leading to substantial cost savings."

Future-Proofing Customer Support

Meubles RD and SnapCall continue to collaborate on enhancing the support experience:

  1. Upcoming SMS integration for broader accessibility
  2. Improvements in video delivery speed within Salesforce

A Partnership Built on Innovation and Results

Meubles RD's experience with SnapCall has been overwhelmingly positive:

"Our collaboration with SnapCall feels more like a partnership than a vendor relationship," Charland emphasizes. "They're consistently responsive to our needs and proactive in suggesting improvements."

The Power of Visual Communication in B2B Support

In an era where customer experience can make or break a business, visual communication is becoming increasingly crucial. SnapCall's solution doesn't just simplify support processes—it transforms them, enabling businesses to build stronger, more loyal customer relationships.

"We're not just solving problems faster," Charland concludes. "We're creating positive experiences that encourage customers to return. In retail, that's invaluable."

Are you ready to revolutionize your customer support experience? Discover how SnapCall can transform your support operations and drive customer satisfaction. Contact us today for a personalized demo.


About SnapCall

SnapCall is revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers. Our suite of products offer a seamless and personalized customer experience. With SnapCall Assist, customers and support teams can easily share photo and videos to explain problems and provide solutions. SnapCall Booking allows for scheduling calls with clients and experts without the need for external conference services. And SnapCall Instant offers audio and video calls with integrated CRM platforms for easy access to customer information.


Press Contacts

Lily Berlioz-Latour


SnapCall Media


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