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July 5, 2024

5 Benefits of AI in Customer Service: How It's Reshaping the Industry and SnapCall's Leading Role

Discover how AI is reimagining customer service with video support. Learn about SnapCall's innovative solutions for faster resolutions, personalized experiences, and 24/7 support.

So, you’ve got a customer service team. What’s next?

Most businesses start with the basics: phone support, email, maybe a chatbot. But what comes after that? Enter AI-powered video support. It’s not just a fancy add-on – it’s the future of customer service. Customer service refers to the use of AI to enhance and improve various tasks and interactions, creating fast, efficient, and personalized support experiences. And at SnapCall, we’re all in.

Let’s break down five ways AI is flipping the script on customer service, and how we’re making it happen:

1. Automated Customer Service Videos Analysis: Less Time Wasted, More Problems Solved

Remember the days of long, painful customer calls where you’re desperately trying to explain a problem? Yeah, we’re putting an end to that.

Our AI doesn’t just listen – it watches. It transcribes and summarizes video interactions, analyzing vast amounts of customer data to extract actionable insights. This gives your support team the full picture in seconds, detecting patterns in customer behavior and personalizing experiences. No more “Sorry, could you repeat that?”

The numbers don't lie:

2. Personalization That Actually Feels... Personal

We’ve all been there – stuck in a support queue, feeling like just another ticket number. Not anymore.

Our AI digs deep into video interactions, picking up on visual cues, tone, and context to understand customer behavior. It’s like giving your support team superpowers. The result? Support that feels tailor-made for each customer.

Satisfied Customers Love It:

3. Faster Fixes (Because Who Has Time to Wait?)

Time is money, especially when your product is on the fritz. Our video AI doesn’t just identify issues – it learns from every interaction. That means faster, more accurate solutions that keep getting better.

The impact? Companies using AI for customer service are seeing a 33% drop in handling times. And AI-powered chatbots? They’re handling up to 80% of routine questions to support customers. That’s a lot of happy customers (and a lot less overtime).

4. 24/7 Support Teams That Never Sleep (Even If You Do)

In a global economy, the sun never sets on customer problems. Our AI-powered video support system is always on, always learning. It handles the initial triage, providing instant help or routing complex issues to support teams and human agents when needed.

With 64% of consumers expecting round-the-clock support, this isn’t just nice to have – it’s a must-have.

5. Turning Support Conversations into Business Intelligence

Every customer interaction is a goldmine of insights. Our AI doesn’t just crunch numbers – it uncovers trends, predicts issues, and suggests ways to boost customer satisfaction before problems even arise.

The Bottom Line:

Implementing AI in Video Support: It's Not Rocket Science (But It Is Pretty Cool)

Look, we get it. The idea of overhauling your support system can be daunting. But here’s the thing – it doesn’t have to be.

At SnapCall, we’re all about making the complex simple. Our step-by-step approach helps you integrate AI into your existing systems without turning your support team’s world upside down. This includes leveraging AI-powered tools for content repurposing and video creation, ensuring high-quality video output and unique productivity-improving features.

The Future is Now (And It's Pretty Exciting)

As AI keeps evolving, its role in customer service is only going to grow. At SnapCall, we’re not just keeping up – we’re setting the pace. We’re constantly fine-tuning our AI-powered video support to meet the changing needs of businesses and customers alike. The emergence and significance of video content in customer support cannot be overstated, as it provides a more engaging and effective way to resolve customer issues.

Ready to Give Your Customer Experience a Serious Upgrade?

Let's talk. Your future customers (and your support team) will thank you.

Schedule a Demo with SnapCall


  1. Deloitte Digital, "2021 Global Contact Center Survey"
  2. Gartner, "Predicts 2021: CRM Customer Service and Support"
  3. Epsilon, "The Power of Me: The Impact of Personalization on Marketing Performance"
  4. McKinsey & Company, "The value of getting personalization right—or wrong—is multiplying"
  5. IBM, "Chatbots: The Future of Customer Service"


About SnapCall

SnapCall is revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers. Our suite of products offer a seamless and personalized customer experience. With SnapCall Assist, customers and support teams can easily share photo and videos to explain problems and provide solutions. SnapCall Booking allows for scheduling calls with clients and experts without the need for external conference services. And SnapCall Instant offers audio and video calls with integrated CRM platforms for easy access to customer information.


Press Contacts

Lily Berlioz-Latour


SnapCall Media


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